Thursday, December 23, 2010

We're Having A.....

Today was my 20 week ultrasound and here is what we're having....

 A Girl!!
(yah, I don't know if you can really see anything on the pic, but I had to add it)
I was pretty surprised because I was sure this one was going to be a boy. But, as always, I was wrong. And of course Josh's parents are ecstatic. I'm not too sure about that Perron curse anymore because the last 2 grandchildren have been girls and the next 2 are going to be girls. :)
I love that the ultrasound tech wrote 'Girl Parts' hahaha.

Here is another picture of our tiny little baby girl. I'm sorry, but I can never tell what the heck I'm looking at. I thought I was looking at the face today and it wasn' was the opposite end of the body. hahaha So glad there's someone there telling me what everything is or else I would think there was some kind of alien there.

So that's our new exciting news! What a great Christmas Present!


  1. Congrats Sheena and Josh! This is wonderful news!!!

  2. This means baby shower time & hopefully before everyone moves away :)

  3. Yay! How fun!!! Congratulations guys!
