Monday, September 6, 2010

We Have an Announcement to Make!!

So, I wasn't going to post this on here till a little later. But it seems that everyone is finding out anyway, whether it be by family or friends or Kameron! So, here's our news.....

We are Pregnant!

We are excited...wondering if we're ready to do this again...but excited. :)
Kameron and Taelyn are super excited. Kameron can't wait and has been telling people 'My Mom is having a baby!' So, I've had a few people come up to me and  say 'Kameron told me that his Mommy is having a baby, is it true?'
That little stinker :).

So there it is....our big news. We'll keep you updated!
(Anyone else have any big news they'd like to announce???)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Quote of the Day

Every morning Taelyn wakes up and comes into our bed. This morning was no different, but what she said was....
Taelyn was lying beside me and I was talking to her. She points at my mouth and says...

Taelyn: "Mommy mouth bobo."
(bobo= butt)

Me: "Taelyn, does my mouth smell like a bobo?"

Taelyn: "Yes."

Thanks Taelyn for telling Mommy her morning breath smells like BUTT!!! hahaha, I had a good laugh at that one.